George Kosmidis

Microsoft MVP | Speaks of Azure, AI & .NET | Founder of Munich .NET
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Secrets management for ASP.NET Core and Azure DevOps

Secrets management for ASP.NET Core and Azure DevOps

In this post we will discover how to handle appsettings.json secrets (like API keys, passwords etc.) in a .NET app and eventually how to deploy a protected app and let Azure DevOps handle the secret replacement.

Published 3 years ago
MongoDB Shell or Compass query with a GUID

MongoDB Shell or Compass query with a GUID

Just a small one for today. Have you ever tried to query MongoDB with a GUID? Well I did and it can be confusing!

Published 3 years ago
Microsoft MVP - George Kosmidis
C# 10 – What’s new!

C# 10 – What’s new!

C# 10 is here with new and exciting feature with an opt-in approach. In this guide we will go through some of the most important changes that will make your code cleaner, smaller, faster and will hopefully convince you to upgrade now!

Published 3 years ago
Azure Architecture Icons - SVGs, PNGs and libraries
.NET 6, A guide for the high impact Breaking Changes

.NET 6, A guide for the high impact Breaking Changes

.NET 6 is the first Long-Term-Support (LTS) version since the “one .NET to rule them all” era, which means it’s plan as future-proof. It includes a tone of improvements and changes that are planned to live long, thing that brought with it a few high impact Breaking Changes. Although there are lower impact braking changes too, this guide will help you identify if any of the important ones really affect you, and provide a suggestion at the same time.

Published 3 years ago
Create and use your first component in Blazor!

Create and use your first component in Blazor!

Blazor, the new client-side UI framework from the ASP.NET team, is definitely making a splash among the developers that were trying to avoid the JavaScript coding experience (or even better the debugging JavaScript experience!).

Published 3 years ago
Migrating to .NET 5 – A few clicks away!

Migrating to .NET 5 – A few clicks away!

Before you actually start reading this article, I have to be honest with you: Unless your app is a Blazor app, you don’t need to read this; all you need is to download .NET 5, change the target framework in your project properties and that’s it…! Then again, if you need the download links or want to check the process I followed, feel free!

Published 4 years ago
Things you should know about .NET 5

Things you should know about .NET 5

I know many of you are waiting for an LTS to jump in and upgrade your systems, but I think this time things are a bit different! First of all, the next LTS will be .NET 6 which is planned for November 2021, and secondly .NET 5 is already published two months ago as RC1. Actually, two release candidates of .NET 5 were published and tested by many before the actual release:

Published 4 years ago